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Creating Charisma: Why it’s a superpower that you can learn


Charismatic leadership is a type of leadership that relies heavily on the personal qualities of the leader. A charismatic leader inspires people with his or her passion, dedication and commitment toward a specific cause.

Charismatic leaders may use their powerful oratory skills, an engaging personality or their moral values, to inspire people toward their cause. Charismatic leaders differ from other types of leaders with their capability to appeal to the emotions of the people and move them to action.

Charismatic leaders can be change leaders for a company or a nation as they lead people toward a greater vision. They strive for the betterment of the people and can increase productivity without misusing their authority.

The world has witnessed several charismatic leaders over time leading businesses and nations toward greater success. Some of these leaders include Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Ronald Regan, Jack Welsh, and Lido Anthony “Lee” Lacocca.

How Charisma can be a Superpower?

Talking in the context of a business, charisma can be a vital tool for business leaders to lead their employees toward the company vision.

But how is charisma useful?

Charisma can be a great asset that can get things done with much lesser effort. Here are some benefits of leading with charisma:

Inspires Employees to Perform to their Best

A charismatic leader wins the trust of employees by connecting with them on an emotional level. Charismatic leaders are able to connect on an emotional plane because of their sincerity, genuineness, courage and conviction in their beliefs,

Since humans are mostly emotional beings, appealing to their emotions is one of the best ways to get superlative work done by them. When employees believe they are working for a noble vision, and that they play a key role in contributing to this vision, they will be more than ready to put forth their best for the company.

By inspiring a belief in the company vision, charismatic leaders can motivate employees to perform to their peak potential, each time, every time.

Creates a More Open Workplace

Being genuine and sincere themselves, charismatic leaders expect the same from others. This leads to a workplace where individuals and teams can be transparent with each other and set things right in an amicable manner. By setting aside differences cordially, teams can work together more collaboratively, toward the success of a project.

Leaders with charisma are not egoistic. They are open to any kind of feedback and suggestions from employees. They truly listen to employees’ feedback and implement them if appropriate.

Employees will be able to thrive better in an environment that is open and fair. With a charismatic leader at the helm, interactions within the team and outside will be more positive.

With charisma, a leader can cultivate a workforce that is calm and balanced at all times, even during the time of crisis. Such a workforce can deliver consistently exceptional results.

A positive workplace culture is a key differentiator in the current competitive business market. More than financial rewards and incentives, it is the power of a positive workplace that can help a business retain its talented employees.

With charisma, a leader can earn the respect, confidence and trust of his employees. Such leaders and the positive workplaces they build, foster long-lasting loyalty in employees.

Drives Results through Clear Communication  

Leaders with charisma can communicate with others with ease. This is because they have a clarity of purpose, a strong belief in their purpose, are confident, and are transparent about their motives.

Also, when charismatic leaders are around, the environment is more positive and energised. This is because the strong sense of purpose that charismatic leaders possess empowers them with enthusiasm and positive energy, both of which are contagious.

This energy flows into the employees as well and they feel energised and confident. Such an atmosphere not only makes communication easier but also inspires innovation and brilliance in employees. The result is a highly positive and productive work environment.

Dispels Fear of Failure

Leaders with charisma are often highly optimistic individuals. This unwavering faith in the positive comes from their conviction, courage and their ability to convert barriers into opportunities. They see failures as opportunities for learning and moving closer to success. They inspire the same attitude in their teams.

As a result, employees are not afraid to innovate, experiment and even fail. This does not mean that such leaders are reckless and unaware of practicalities. In fact, charismatic leaders are rational, positive and realistic. These qualities give them great command over even chaotic situations. The awe and inspiration they are able to engender in fellow people enables them to take command of any situation.

Establishes Good Relations on the Power of Emotional Intelligence

Charismatic leaders are known for their high emotional intelligence. They are sensitive to people’s thoughts and feelings and are able to tune their communication accordingly. In addition to verbal signs, these leaders also look at non-verbal signs, such as body language, to truly understand what the other person is saying. They make note of hand gesturesand eye movements, among others, to capture and retain people’s attention.

This high degree of emotional intelligence gives them the advantage of striking a rapport with other people quickly. They have a deep respect for other people, which motivates them to remember names of the employees they interact with, and their discussions with them. These gestures earn them respect, admiration and loyalty in return.

Leadership that is based on emotional intelligence survives better and longer than other kinds of leadership.

Charisma can be learnt

Thankfully, charisma is a quality that can be acquired and cultivated. More and more companies are realising that charisma can be acquired through leadership training and psychologicalcoaching.

A well-developed leadership training program stresses on cultivating 3 key qualities in leaders to develop charisma. These are:

  • Focus and Presence – Leaders are trained to focus on other people during their interactions. They are taught the importance of “listening to” instead of just “hearing” to conversations and interactions.Being sincerely interested in a conversation creates a presence where the other person will know that you are truly being attentive to the conversation.

Trainers use psychology coaching and sound body language to cultivate presence in leaders.

  • Power – Power is communicated through visual appearance, body language, and civility and sincerity in interactions. Leaders are trained in developing positive body postures that inspire others to respect them and talk to them comfortably.

The importance of body language cannot be underestimated as it reflects an individual’s emotions. People react to emotions, and therefore to body language. The right body language is essential to extract the right reaction from people.

  • Warmth – Leaders are trained to exude true warmth by practicing qualities such as gratitude, goodwill, and compassion for others and oneself. Such qualities make others feel comfortable and confident, leading them to listen and be motivated.

The art of charisma can be learnt and implemented for the wellbeing of your employees and your business. You can take the first step toward developing charisma by signing up for this webinar, hosted by Pinnacle Wellbeing Services, on 18th March, 2020.









About the author

Richard Reid

Renowned coaching and psychological consultant – psychology expert, coach, media spokesperson, keynote psychology speaker, and author.
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