Analysing and assessing organisational culture
Why is organisational culture important?
The importance of organisational culture can often fall to the bottom of a company’s agenda but it’s one of the first things we always ask our clients about.
Whether you realise it or not, almost all organisations take their collective lead on culture from the top of the business. People notice, consciously and unconsciously, how their leaders behave, from how they manage the people around them to how they communicate with everyone else in the organisation.
These behaviours send a message to others, modelling how they themselves should behave and perform. We can help you find out what your people think, and help you work out what to do about it.
For us, organisational culture is the place where performance meets psychology.
How do we work?
It goes without saying that we look at the business as a whole.
We’ll work through our psychological assessments with your leaders and managers to help them understand their own leadership style and the impact and effectiveness it has on their teams.
We’ll work to coach each of your leaders and managers in setting personal and professional development goals, with plans to reach those goals.
We’ll help your leaders make sure that their own behaviours and management style are aligned with the organisational vision, values and culture.
How do we assess and benchmark organisational culture?
At Pinnacle Wellbeing Plus we look to identify the ‘behavioural norms’ that people think are required by their organisation. These usually cluster into three distinct types of culture: 1) constructive, 2) passive/defensive and 3) aggressive/defensive.
We ask each employee to identify what they feel are the behaviours expected to ‘fit in’ in their organisation. We then combine these individual responses to create a profile of the shared behavioural expectations within your organisation, along with how commonly-held or ‘intense’ they are. In doing so, you’ll be able to see not only what kind of behaviours are expected, but how many agree on those behaviours.
We also recognise the importance of cultural intelligence for inclusive leadership. In creating a team or organisation that is culturally aware, you are creating a safe work environment where everyone is capable of working and relating effectively with those who are from a different background to you. We will teach you how to navigate cultural differences with proficiency, recognise bias in order to remove barriers and implement the right techniques at the right moment to help you improve your organisation’s cross-cultural interactions.
Creating targets for cultural change
Once identified, we then benchmark your organisational culture to those of other businesses as well as the typical ideal culture profile.
Using the ideal profile, we work with you to identify the largest gaps between your own organisation and the ideal. From here you can begin to create targets for cultural change and define your goals based on the kind of behaviours you want to encourage to narrow the gap. We can help you to manage, implement and sustain your organisational culture, in turn ensuring your business is operating at its optimum.