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Ontological coaching - think differently, create your own story

Ontological coaching – create your own story. Improve the quality of your work and relationships, and become a more effective and influential leader.


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Ontological coaching, helping you to think differently

Richard Reid is a highly-qualified coach and psychological consultant, broadcaster, keynote speaker, media spokesperson and author.

For over two decades Richard has worked across the corporate, media and private sector as a trusted advisor delivering coaching and therapy; masterclasses and workshops, and discreet one-to-one sessions to CEOs and industry leaders;  high profile personalities  and private individuals. Richard has one goal; to help each of his clients to be a better version of themselves.

What is ontological coaching?

Ontological coaching is a powerful methodology for effecting change in individuals, teams and organisations. It is characterised by coaching to the ‘Way of Being’, or more simply put, it looks at the underlying drivers behind your communication and behaviour.

We all hold perceptions and attitudes, many of which are deep-seated and exist in our ‘Way of Being’. By changing these perceptions and attitudes we can start to break down and remove any potential barriers. This shift then allows us to develop more effective patterns of communication and behaviour.

Ontological coaching works at an individual level, as well as having a positive impact on the wellbeing of staff throughout your organisation. Richard works to suit your business needs and can deliver a range of coaching sessions and workshops, whether via one-to-ones or small group sessions.

How can ontological coaching help me to become a more effective leader and communicator?

Based on a new deeply-grounded and practical understanding of language, ontological coaching focuses on three key areas –  language, emotion and body – to create long-lasting behavioural and cultural transformation.

An effective and practical ‘how to’ for leaders, coaches and consultants, you’ll learn how to use these key areas to enhance your relationships both individually and collectively to become a great leader.

Using ontological coaching to create your own story

As human beings we create our story and then live it as the truth. If we never examine or question the story we’ve created, we limit our options. Through ontological coaching you’ll be able to identify the story you have been living in, and create a new one, giving yourself the opportunity to live your best life.

Get in touch with Richard here about your coaching and consultancy needs