The Power of Charisma in Leadership: Building Influence and Trust
Charismatic Leadership and Organizational Impact Charismatic leadership transcends mere charm; it involves the profound ability to influence others through emotional intelligence and
Tailored Wellbeing Solutions: Why One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Discover the benefits of customised psychology-based training programs and how they enhance employee performance and satisfaction. In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the
What is emotional intelligence training?
What is emotional intelligence training? How can it benefit both your employees performance and wellbeing? Emotional intelligence training is at the heart
What is personal branding and why is it important?
Personal branding has become a buzz term in recent years, but what is personal branding? Why is it important? And how do
Occupational health and Covid-19. How can we support the mental health effects of the Corona Virus?
Occupational health and COVID-19: what role should occupational health have during the coronavirus? Many employers are starting to welcome staff back to
What is charisma?
How do you feel about charisma? Are you convinced it’s something you have to be born with? You either exude it naturally…or
Supporting someone with anxiety
Do you have a loved one experiencing anxiety? Do you need advice on supporting someone with anxiety? It can be a debilitating
Leadership in 2020. Is it time for a paradigm shift?
2020 will be the year the world changed. Everything we held as a belief is under question, from the way we live
Do I have depression?
“Do I have depression?” This is a question you may well ask yourself if and when you experience periods of low mood
Social anxiety coping techniques
This article addresses some social anxiety coping techniques to help you cope with situations that you may find difficult. Do you panic
Let’s Talk About Company Culture
Company culture affects every aspect of an organisation, from its employees to processes, revenue and the bottom line. Company culture is crucial
Brain Hacks for Business
You’ve seen the buzz words, you’ve read the articles but what can Brain Hacks for Business actually do for you and your