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Case Study 2: Improving Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Employee Value Proposition (EVP)

Client Profile

Company: Global Finance Corp

Industry: Financial Services

Issue: Difficulty attracting and retaining top talent


Global Finance Corp struggled with high turnover rates and difficulty attracting top talent due to a weak Employee Value Proposition (EVP).


  1. EVP Assessment: Conducted an EVP assessment to understand the current perception and identify gaps.
  2. Competitive Analysis: Analyzed competitors’ EVPs to identify differentiators.
  3. Strategy Development: Developed a robust EVP strategy highlighting unique benefits such as career development opportunities, work-life balance initiatives, and company culture.
  4. Communication Plan: Created a communication plan to promote the new EVP internally and externally effectively.


The revamped EVP led to a substantial 25% increase in job applications from high-quality candidates and a significant reduction in employee turnover. This success reassures the effectiveness of the EVP strategy.

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