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Case Study 3: Advising a Senior Board on Improving Staff Wellbeing

staff wellbeing

Client Profile

Company: Elite Manufacturing Group

Industry: Manufacturing

Issue: Rising absenteeism and declining staff wellbeing


Elite Manufacturing Group noticed an increase in absenteeism and a decline in overall staff well-being, which affected productivity and morale.


  1. Wellbeing Assessment: Conducted a thorough assessment to understand staff’s key stressors and well-being issues.
  2. Wellbeing Programs: Developed and implemented comprehensive well-being programs, including mental health support, physical fitness initiatives, and stress management workshops.
  3. Senior Leadership Training: Trained senior leaders on the importance of staff wellbeing and how to support their teams effectively.
  4. Regular Wellbeing Check-ins: Established regular wellbeing check-ins and support mechanisms.


The company experienced a significant 40% reduction in absenteeism and higher employee satisfaction and well-being levels. This outcome is a testament to the potential of the strategies employed.

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