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Case Study 4: Providing Charisma Coaching for a Senior Leadership Team

Charisma Coaching for senior leadership

Client Profile

Company: National Retail Chain

Industry: Retail

Issue: Lack of charismatic leadership impacting team motivation and performance


The senior leadership team at a national retail chain struggled to inspire and motivate their teams, affecting overall performance.


  1. Charisma Assessment: Assessed the leadership team’s current charisma levels and identified areas for improvement.
  2. Tailored Coaching Sessions: Provided tailored charisma coaching sessions focusing on communication skills, public speaking, and emotional intelligence.
  3. Practical Exercises: Implemented practical exercises and role-playing scenarios to enhance leadership presence and influence.
  4. Feedback and Development: Offered continuous feedback and development plans to sustain improvements, with a strong emphasis on the leadership team’s role in this process.


The leadership team displayed enhanced charisma and presence, leading to a 20% increase in team motivation and overall performance metrics.

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