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Team facilitator – enabling teams to generate the best decisions and outcomes

Team facilitator – as experts in team facilitation training, we work alongside your business to provide a focussed, impartial framework from which your team can thrive resulting in the best decisions and outcomes. 

What are the benefits of using a team facilitator?

Teams often face big decisions whose sheer complexity can feel insurmountable. A team facilitator can play a key role in guiding a team towards generating the best possible decisions and outcomes.

As experts in team facilitation training, we work alongside your business to provide a focussed impartial framework from which your team can thrive. Whatever your business needs, we can help.

What is the role of a team facilitator?

A corporate team building facilitator looks to create an environment and process where people feel sufficiently safe and supported to disclose what they’re thinking and feeling. Sometimes the dynamics within a team can prevent individuals from doing this. This can result in a team not fulfilling its potential. If they cannot move forward, they cannot expect to achieve the successful outcomes required.

The facilitator is there to maintain the structure of the meeting allowing the team to focus on what’s important. It is essential they provide a tailor-made framework for the team which will enable them to progress in the right direction.

A team facilitator will help to re-energise the group, promote fresh thinking and help the people around the table generate new solutions to previously seemingly intractable problems.

The facilitator, whilst being a key part of the team, must also remain apart. This impartiality can provide new insight for the team as well as delivering tangible results such as:

  • Developing the appropriate process for the team to address its priorities and concerns
  • Creating space for the team to focus on what matters the most
  • Giving individuals confidence that the process is being led sensitivity and skillfully
  • Keeping the team on track so they can navigate any difficult decisions

Our event facilitation services in more detail

At Pinnacle Wellbeing Plus, we offer a range of event facilitation services working with boards and executive teams to create and facilitate the event or conference you need. We can also work with you on a wide range of leadership and strategic issues such as:

  • Strategy development, strategic planning, and strategy reviews (company-wide or business-unit)
  • Team onboarding
  • Team-building
  • Initiative prioritisation and integration
  • Organisation design
  • Project planning
  • Partnership alignment
  • Performance measurement and management

Every offsite event is designed to meet your team’s unique needs. At the end, team members will walk away energised and ready to integrate the insights, learnings and custom action plan they built together.

Get in touch to find out how a team facilitator can help your business.