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Marshall Goldsmith Leadership Coaching

Find out what it takes to be a successful leader in a high-performing organisation.
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What is Marshall Goldsmith Coaching?

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is a global authority in helping successful leaders achieve positive, lasting change in behaviour: for themselves, their people, and their teams.His successful stakeholder-centred approach to coaching has been endorsed by top Fortune 500 leaders and more than 11,000 leaders worldwide, with 95% of those leaders improving their leadership effectiveness. 

How leaders grow

The Marshall Goldsmith approach to leadership is about having the courage to get out of your comfort zone and make yourself open to new ways of thinking. It’s about having the humility to appreciate that, in order to grow, you need to involve feedback from others and accept your own imperfections. Finally, it’s about having the discipline to implement the changes needed to your  behaviours, habits, and processes so that change can happen.

With the Marshall Goldsmith approach, you will learn how to:

Having the courage to get out of your comfort zone

Being open to new ways of thinking

Involving feedback from others

Accepting your own imperfections

And having the discipline to implement the changes needed to your behaviours, habits, and processes so these changes can happen.

The 4 Step Leadership Journey


Set your leadership journey, talk about the kind of leader you aspire to be, and start planning who to approach for 360 feedback from your peers. 

Step 1
Step 2


Receive strength and weakness feedback from your peers and discuss with your coach who will then identify areas for growth.
Step 3


Create your Leadership Development Journey and identify and approach stakeholders who will be giving you ideas on how to improve in these areas.
Step 4


Use future-focused feedback from your stakeholders to create a continuous improvement cycle for you to measure your progress against, alongside coached skills. We will also create metrics that can measure your improvement and growth as a leader.

The 4 Step Team Journey

Authentic leadership

Each member of your team will set their own leadership journey and talk about the kind of leader they aspire to be. Well also look at the types of behaviour you will display, and expect, from your team. 

Step 1
Step 2

Leadership journey

Discuss your strengths and weaknesses, as identified by others, with your coach who will identify potential areas to accelerate your leadership journey.  

Step 3

Team development journey

Conduct a team effectiveness review, helping you look at how you work together now and how you need to work together in the future. 

Step 4

Stakeholder centred coaching

Utilize future-focused feedback from your stakeholders to create a continuous improvement cycle for you to measure your progress against, alongside coached skills. We will also create metrics that can measure your improvement and growth as a leader and as a team. 

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