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The importance of building psychological resilience

Psychological resilience coaching allows you to perform at the highest level under pressure whilst avoiding burnout. Defined as ‘the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties’, resilience is a critical business skill we all need, and we can all learn.


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What is resilience?

According to the BSI, organisational resilience is “the ability of an organisation to anticipate, prepare for, respond and adapt to incremental change and sudden disruptions in order to survive and prosper”.

Whilst the need to build organisational resilience is widely accepted, few organisations truly align their daily operations with the culture and behaviours needed to bring about change. Choosing instead to take a more defensive, ad-hoc, process-based approach to resilience.

For the organisations that truly embrace resilience, it is embedded in the very fabric, culture and behaviours of its leaders, teams and individuals; liberating organisational performance and results as a consequence.

Why building psychological resilience is a key skill for business leaders

Resilience allows you to perform at the highest level under pressure whilst avoiding burnout. Simply defined as ‘the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties’, resilience is a critical skill we all need and can learn.

Our psychological resilience coaching will help you develop the tools you need to keep performing at the highest level, no matter what’s going on around you, whether that’s at work or in the wider world. You’ll learn how to handle challenges and setbacks and use them as an opportunity to grow and develop. And you’ll have the opportunity to explore and reflect on practical techniques, and choose those most useful to your personal circumstances.

Developing resilient leaders

Resilient leaders have the capacity to deal with and bounce back from adversity, setbacks and trauma. They have the capability to remain calm throughout stressful events, to cope with high levels of pressure and continue to consistently outperform their peers, despite adverse circumstances.

Significantly, they also tend to be more positive in their outlook, have stronger relationships and support mechanisms, are able to handle disruptive changes and adapt, and have the ability to flourish and grow as a result. Resilient people are less likely to engage in dysfunctional behaviour or to engage in de-motivating or harming of others.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change."

Charles Darwin

For individuals, resilience is a mindset

To lead others, a leader must first learn to lead themselves and be physically, mentally and emotionally resilient, in order to inspire others with empathy. Resilient leaders shift the mindset of their teams from ‘today’ to ‘tomorrow’, to build high energy resilient teams.

Psychological resilience coaching will teach you how to:

  • Identify the problem. A key role of any leader is to help people understand the challenges facing the organisation, so that appropriate responses can be devised. Strong leaders ask searching questions and connect peoples’ interest into solving the problems identified. Rather than the top down approach of agreeing goals, building commitment and providing answers. More organisations fail because they solve the wrong problem!

  • Empower people to act, rather than simply clarifying roles and responsibilities. Strong appraisal systems that focus on outcomes.

  • Let people experience threat, within a productive range of distress. A collective ‘we can solve this’ doesn’t empower or encourage ownership. Good leaders recognise that stress is not, of itself, inherently harmful. It can energise us to act. Moments of stress can galvanise individuals and teams at a critical point, bringing a sense of urgency when projects are at stake. Returning to a positive state as the ‘norm’. Good leaders recognise this balance and ensure individuals don’t reach their breaking points.

  • Challenge norms to encourage ways in which the organisation could be very different. As opposed to trying to fit solutions around current ways of working.

  • Embrace diversity. Embracing different opinions and scepticism, as opposed to seeking consensus and reducing conflict.

  • Focus on doing better things rather than ‘making what we do better’.

Resilience coaching that’s as unique as you and your organisation

Our psychological resilience coaching is aimed at anyone wishing to become more resilient. In addition to resilience coaching for senior leaders we also offer coaching on organisational resilience as well as coaching and training on how to build resilient teams and individuals.

Wherever your business is, or wherever you are on your career journey, we offer one-to-one and group resilience coaching for those looking to fulfil their career potential. All our coaching is bespoke and it’s always tailored to suit your business and career needs.

Get in touch to find out how you, and your organisation, can build resilience and maintain peak performance