Organisational development programmes – how to understand and develop your company culture
What’s your company culture?
Culture is one of the first things we always ask our clients about: it’s the intersection where performance meets psychology.
Whether or not Peter Drucker ever actually uttered the line, “Culture eats strategy for lunch”, the maxim is as true now as it was then. It doesn’t matter how good your business strategy is: if your culture doesn’t support it then the smartest strategy is dead in the water.
This is where we can help. Our consultants have spent years working with leaders and teams within corporates and start-ups to improve performance – and culture is absolutely key to making change happen and improving results across the board.
How can an organisational development programme help your business?
Is your organisational culture working? How do you know? How do you measure it? What type of organisational development training program works best with your business?
At Pinnacle Wellbeing Plus we help organisations go beyond vision and values statements and implement tangible, lasting culture change that delivers measurable outcomes for the business across everything from employee engagement to innovation.
Company culture assessment and implementation
We work with you to create bespoke training and development programs for your organisation. We’ll assess and measure your organisation’s culture in terms of outcomes for the individual, team and wider organisational level, and identify where there are structures in place that (unintentionally) reward and reinforce negative thinking over positive outcomes.
Our consultants will help you build on, or re-build, your organisation’s culture from the bottom up, if that is what’s needed. We’ll work through everything from your business model to your work structures, from your talent management to how you communicate with your people.
We’ll teach you how to navigate cultural differences with proficiency, recognise bias in order to remove barriers and implement the right techniques at the right moment to help you improve your organisation’s cross-cultural interactions.
We’ll help you communicate any organisational culture changes in a way that gets buy-in and ownership across the business.
Building a high-performing, supportive, empathic team culture
Is there a formal process in place in your organisation to build and grow high-performing teams? So often we work with businesses where teams are assembled operationally without taking the time upfront to help them learn how one another likes to work best and interact with one another.
We can help you build a high-performing, supportive, empathic team culture. We can coach your teams through assessments designed to help them really uncover and understand themselves and their teammates. We’ll work alongside your teams to observe and assess them, before identifying their individual personality types and ways of working.