Employment mediation services – resolving conflict in the workplace
What is employee mediation?
Our employee mediation services help to resolve conflict and difficult issues between employees within the workplace. We are here to help both employee and employer navigate what can be tricky ground.
Conflict can arise between team members at any level so whether you are looking for mediation for employee-peer to employee-peer, or employee-to-boss, we can help guide you through the mediation process. Resolving conflict swiftly and effectively enables working relationships to be the best they can be, along with productivity and wellbeing for your organisation, teams and key individuals.
What is the role of an employment dispute resolution mediator?
A mediator is used to assist and guide the parties involved towards a resolution. They do not decide the outcome but they do help the parties understand and focus on the important issues needed to reach a resolution.
The role of mediation is often described as a form of informal dispute resolution as it’s less formal than grievance and discipline procedures and employment tribunals.
Mediation for employees in conflict can help with the following issues:
- Communication problems
- Clashes of personality or management styles
- Perceptions of unfair treatment
- Bullying, harassment and discrimination
- Interpersonal or behavioural problems
- Re-integrating aggrieved employees
How does mediating conflict between employees work?
As an employee, employment dispute resolution offers many benefits: it can help reduce stress; avoid more formal processes, and stop more grievances being raised. It helps find a solution that everyone agrees with, it improves communication, and allows you to feel heard. Ultimately the process of mediating conflict between employees looks to create a working solution which everyone agrees to and one which can be sustained in the future.
As part of the mediation process we will work closely with you to make sure issues are resolved before they escalate. We are there to offer unbiased and constructive direction. There is no judgement. Our role is to remain impartial, hear all sides and help everyone involved find a solution they can all agree to. Mediation helps you to stay in control. It is important to remember that no-one will make you do anything against your wishes.