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Organisational cultural and wellbeing support. Create the right culture, develop a successful EVP, attract and retain the right people, create a growth mindset.

Strategic organisational cultural and wellbeing support tailored to your organisation. Create the right culture, develop a successful EVP, attract and retain the right people, and create a growth mindset. Learn how to empower and engage your employees by developing your organisation’s emotional and conversational intelligence. Whatever your organisation’s HR and wellbeing needs, we can help.

360 Degree Feedback Coaching

What is strategic organisational cultural and wellbeing support?

Here at Pinnacle Wellbeing Plus we offer an extensive range of strategic cultural, wellbeing and HR support tailored to your business needs.

Simply put, we can help your business with everything from how to attract and retain the right people, define your organisation’s culture and nurture a growth mindset. We will show you how create a psychological safe working environment where meaningful conversations, emotional intelligence, conversational intelligence become the norm. Wherever your company is on its organisational culture, wellbeing and HR journey, we can help.

Here’s just some of the ways we can help support your HR and wellbeing teams...

Company culture:

What’s your company’s culture and why does it matter?

Culture is one of the first things we always ask our clients about: it’s the intersection where performance meets psychology. It doesn’t matter how good your business strategy is: if your culture doesn’t support it then the smartest strategy is dead in the water.

But how do you know if your organisational culture is working? What type of organisational development training program works best with your business? And what does that involve?

We will work closely with you to create a series of bespoke strategic organisational cultural and wellbeing programmes that work for your business. We help organisations go beyond vision and values statements and implement tangible, lasting culture change that delivers measurable outcomes for the business across everything from employee engagement to innovation.

We’ll assess and measure your organisation’s culture in terms of outcomes for the individual, team and wider organisational level, and identify where there are structures in place that (unintentionally) reward and reinforce negative thinking over positive outcomes.

Our consultants will help you build on, or re-build, your organisation’s culture from the bottom up, if that is what’s needed. We’ll work through everything from your business model to your work structures, from your talent management to how you communicate with your people. We’ll help your wellbeing and HR teams communicate any organisational culture changes in a way that gets buy-in and ownership from across the business.

Attracting and retaining the right people:

Why is a good employer value proposition (EVP) important?

Creating the right employer value proposition (EVP for short) is the key to attracting the right people. Why should someone work for you rather than one of your competitors? How do you make your company stand out and attract the best talent?

It all starts with a good EVP, one that works for your organisation and consistently attracts the right people. Your EVP offering is just one part of a successful organisational culture. More and more it is the talented job-seeker that has the upper hand over the potential employer. Employers must work harder than ever to appeal to the skilled worker. And with talent in short supply, the employer value proposition has become an essential tool in an organisation’s recruitment arsenal.

Your organisation’s EVP is often one of the first touch points for a potential candidate. It can speak volumes as to what the business stands for: what its values are; what its culture is; and whether it’s the right employer.

An EVP is not an afterthought, it is a key recruitment tool as well as an essential marketing tool. Your EVP should be linked closely to the organisation’s branding strategy as it needs to reflect who your business is. It will help you to retain staff as well as recruit. An EVP reflects the business’ ethos and culture, it will, in turn, lead to higher levels of employee engagement, lower turnover rates, and greater productivity. Let us help you.

Growth mindset:

What are the benefits of organisational growth mindset training?
Developing an individuals’ growth mindset gives them the ability to succeed. Our mindset growth training and coaching will show you how to develop teams who embrace risk, who are resilient, ambitious and eager to achieve success through personal growth.

As an organisation it is key to have the ability to change and adapt, without this a business can easily become outdated, uncompetitive and irrelevant. Identifying your company’s current mindset is crucial, many businesses become so focussed on the bottom-line and target-based results that they unwittingly create a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset culture results in an inward-looking, uninspiring workplace.

Teams with a growth mindset are more likely to embrace challenges and be receptive to new ways of working. This adaptability encourages resilience and perseverance to approach a problem in a positive way, allowing your business the greatest chance of success. Companies that develop a growth mindset culture do more than increase productivity, they have been found to offer a number of positive benefits around inclusion, reducing stereotypes and encouraging teams to embrace differences. Get in touch to find out how we can help your business.

Psychological safety in the workplace:

Creating a psychologically safe working environment
Psychological safety in the workplace is one of the key building blocks of high performing, resilient teams and organisations. Creating a team that feels included and confident to speak up and challenge without fear or concern, ultimately leads to better business outcomes.

By creating a workplace environment that nurtures psychological safety you are building a resilient, forward-thinking, committed, driven workforce that will deliver better business outcomes and greater success for your organisation.

We also recognise the importance of cultural intelligence for inclusive leadership. In creating a team or organisation that is culturally aware, you are creating a safe work environment where everyone is capable of working and relating effectively with those who are from a different background to you. We will teach you how to navigate cultural differences with proficiency, recognise bias in order to remove barriers and implement the right techniques at the right moment to help you improve your organisation’s cross-cultural interactions.

Meaningful conversations:

What is a meaningful conversation, and why is it important?
Being able to communicate effectively and with empathy, in a role of leadership, has always been an essential business skill but not one often mastered successfully. As more and more business is conducted virtually, it has never been more important to adopt a listener-focused, empathetic style of communicating.

By developing empathetic communication skills which are practised intentionally in every conversation, you’ll learn how to build and develop high-trust relationships and teams within your business. You’ll create better business outcomes and ultimately help yourself, and others, to be the best versions of yourselves in every interaction.

Our crucial conversations coaching and training workshop will provide you with a deep understanding of the conversational traps we can all fall into in times of stress, and how to overcome them. You’ll learn how to shift your mindset to having intentional conversations with greater empathy.

Once you learn what conversational patterns drive connectivity and trust, and what drive fear and distrust, you’ll learn how to use these to build and nurture important high-trust relationships. By having the skills for meaningful conversations you can craft, influence and shape your conversations for success.

Emotional intelligence coaching:

Why is emotional intelligence considered a key business (and life) skill?
At its most basic level, emotional intelligence (EI) is about understanding how you and others are feeling, and why. Emotional intelligence is considered to be more important than IQ in achieving sustainable success.

By understanding and harnessing your emotional intelligence you’ll learn how to become more self-aware of the impact that daily life – work, relationships, children, friends and everything in between – can have on you, as well as the impact that you, in turn, can have on those around you.

An improved emotional intelligence will allow you to influence, persuade and negotiate better. You’ll learn how to handle your emotions and those of others as well as gaining a greater understanding of yourself and how you work best. Having self-awareness of your personal impact on others, and vice versa, is key to building empathy.

Conversational intelligence:

Creating better business outcomes through conversational intelligence
Conversational intelligence is learning how to communicate smarter. It’s the ability to be able to connect, engage, navigate, and create a shared conversational space. A shared space you can use to strengthen and enhance your relationships with others.

By developing your conversational intelligence you’ll learn how to build and develop high-trust relationships and teams within your business, create better business outcomes and ultimately help yourself, and others, to be the best versions of yourselves in every interaction.

Our conversational intelligence workshops and one-to-one coaching will provide you with a deep understanding of the conversational traps we can all fall into in times of stress, and how to overcome them. Once you learn what conversational patterns drive connectivity and trust, and what drive fear and distrust, you’ll learn how to use these to build and nurture important high-trust relationships.


How we work

All our coaching is tailored to you and your business needs, we are here to support your wellbeing and HR team. We don’t do ‘off-the-shelf’ or ‘one size fits all’. We offer face-to-face and online training. This can be one-to-one, in small or in larger groups – whatever method of communication is best for you, we’re here to support your business.

Get in touch to find out how our bespoke organisational cultural and wellbeing support coaching can help your business