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Organizational cultural and wellbeing support

Create the right culture, develop a successful EVP, attract, and retain the right people, and create a growth mindset.

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How it works

We offer a range of strategic cultural, wellbeing and HR support tailored to your business needs. Simply put, we can help your business attract and retain the right people, define your organization’s culture, and nurture a growth mindset. We will show you how to create a psychologically safe working environment where meaningful conversations and emotional intelligence become the norm.  

All our coaching is tailored to you and your business needs, supporting your wellbeing and HR team. We offer face-to-face and online training in smaller or larger groups. Whatever method of communication is best for you, we can accommodate.  

Where we help

Company culture

Culture is where performance meets psychology. It does not matter how good your business strategy is: if your culture does not support it, then the smartest strategy is dead in the water. 

We will collaborate with you to: 

  • Create strategic organizational cultural and wellbeing programs 
  • Implement tangible, lasting culture change 
  • Deliver measurable outcomes for your business from employee engagement to innovation 
  • Assess and measure your organization’s culture in terms of outcomes for the individual, team, and wider organisational level,  
  • Identify structures in place that reward negative thinking over positive outcomes 
  • Build on, or re-build, your organization’s culture 
  • Help your wellbeing and HR teams effectively communicate organizational culture change 

Attracting and retaining the right people

In today’s world, employers must work harder to appeal to skilled applicants. And with talent in short supply, the employer value proposition has become an essential tool in an organisations recruitment arsenal. That’s why creating the right employer value proposition (EVP) is the key to attracting the right people, but is just one part of a successful organizational culture.   

Your EVP is one of the first touch points for these potential candidates, representing your business values and culture. Think of it as a marketing tool. Your EVP should be linked closely to your organization’s branding strategy as it not only helps you retain staff but recruit them. This leads to higher levels of employee engagement, lower turnover rates, and greater productivity. 

Growth mindset

Your organization needs the ability to change and adapt, otherwise it can easily become outdated, uncompetitive, and irrelevant. Many businesses become so focused on the bottom-line and target-based results that they create a fixed mindset culture, resulting in an inward-looking, uninspiring workplace. That is why identifying your companys current mindset is crucial.   

Teams with a growth mindset are more likely to embrace challenges and be receptive to new ways of working. Our mindset growth training and coaching will show you how to develop teams who embrace risk, who are resilient, ambitious and eager to achieve success through personal growth. This helps your team approach problems in a positive way for increased productivity and inclusion, and reduced stereotypes. 

Psychological safety in the workplace

Psychological safety in the workplace builds high performing, resilient teams and organizations. Because creating a team that feels included and confident to speak up without fear or concern, leads to better business outcomes.  

But we also have to create a team or organization with inclusive leadership where everyone is capable of working effectively with those who are from a different background. We will teach you how to navigate cultural differences, recognize bias, and implement the right techniques to improve your organization’s cultural interactions. 

Meaningful conversations

As more businesses are conducted virtually, it has never been more important to adopt a listener-focused, empathetic style of communicating. By developing empathetic communication skills, you will build and develop high-trust business relationships, creating better outcomes and helping yourself and others to be the best versions of yourselves in every interaction.  

Our conversations coaching and training workshop will help you understand conversational traps, how to overcome them, and how to shift your mindset to having intentional conversations with greater empathy. By having these skills, you can craft, influence and shape your conversations for success. 

Emotional intelligence coaching

Emotional intelligence (EI) is understanding how you and others are feeling, and why, and even considered to be more important than IQ in achieving sustainable success. By harnessing your emotional intelligence, you will become more self-aware of the impact that daily life can have on you, as well as the impact that you can have on those around you. Now, you will be able to influence, persuade and negotiate better, while also gaining a greater understanding of yourself and how you work best.

Conversational intelligence

Learn how to communicate, connect, engage, navigate, and create a shared conversational space to help strengthen and enhance your relationships with others. By developing your conversational intelligence, you will be able to build and develop high-trust relationships and teams within your business, creating better business outcomes and helping yourself and the team be the best you can be. 

Our conversational intelligence workshops and one-on-one coaching will help you build high-trust relationships by identifying conversational patterns such as connectivity and trust, and fear and distrust.  

Contact us to learn more about or book Organizational Cultural and Wellbeing Support today